A C T 2016 Day 3

The 3rd and final day of our Alumni Come-Together began with an early breakfast, so that the delgates could check-out from the lodge and arrive at Christ Baptist Church, Polokwane, for corporate worship and the final sermon from Anthony Kidd.

Before we checked out, we had a great opportunity to connect around our breakfast table with the Beakleys, Buchan-Smiths (served as missionaries for 15 years before studying at CS, now serving at Midrand Chapel) and Stephan (personal friend and student, serving at Mondeor). We grappled with the issue of NT ‘prophecy’, versus NT ‘impression’ (this relates to the question of authoritative divine revelation and whether it is legitimate today for someone to say, “Thus says the LORD” apart from scripture). We also reflected on questions of the Trinity, and some new academia concerning the ‘human soul of Christ’. A very enriching time indeed.

Back in Polokwane, we enjoyed yet another time of worship, and Anthony shared from Hebrew 12 a very compelling message to persevere and complete our Christian ‘race’. Notes here: Why Keep Running

2 cows had been slaughtered and the entire church and all the delegates were urged to stay after the service to enjoy the braai. Jacqui and I met up with some old friends again, and caught up on the last 8 years.

The weekend has been well worth the journey. The driving was not easy. But we’re very glad we came and very grateful to Christ Seminary for the entire program. They are showing no sign of slowing down or losing traction – they continue to be an amazing ministry.


Photo’s can be found here