Welcome – 5 February 2017

Psalm 133:1 Behold, how good and pleasant it is
    when brothers dwell in unity!
This week I sat around a table with other pastors of Knysna. Three of them are new-comers to our fraternal. The other five or so are old hands of the monthly gathering. Some were not able to be there this time. And so it goes. After fellowship over coffee we moved to the sanctuary, sang songs without accompaniment, and listened to Wayne, our host, share his personal journey of pastoral ministry, reflecting on 1 Corinthians 12. And then we took turns praying. The Kingdom of Jesus is far greater than ourselves.
Remember our Christian family in Knysna, the other congregations like us who know Christ and desire to make Him known. Pray for them as you pray for ourselves. Pray that all will stick close to the cross and be preachers of truth, and lovers of God and man.