Welcome – 21 February 2016

"My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be My disciples." John 15:8
We are made "a little lower than the heavenly beings", King David said of humanity. In other words, angels supersede our stature and power.  
But JR Miller, a puritan in the year 1884 observes this,
"To bring glory to God is the very highest object of angel and archangel before the throne! It is worth striving for. It is the noblest aim the Christian can cherish"
We are not at this moment standing around His Throne. How do we glorify God? 
Jesus said, God is glorified when His Fruit is seen in us. 
May our Fruit be abundant. May the Goodness of God be tasted by those around us. May Christ be reveled in today.