Welcome – 30 September

Every local church should be a safe place. But without the Scriptures which the prophets and apostles received from Christ, a church is the unsafest place to be!
In the earliest church, the threat was already there. Jude writes:
I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.  (Jud 1:3)
One day, sin will be completely banished and there will be complete safety in every corner of Creation. But in the mean time we need to fight a battle, and even in the local church. Are you personally in the Scriptures, or are you vulnerable to the popular lies and human philosophy which permeate so many pulpits.
The 2 essential means of safety are what we have seen in the life of Christ:
Grace and Truth. Let us hold on unswervingly to both.