
John 14:31 I do as the Father has commanded me, so that the world may know that I love the Father. Rise, let us go from here. 

The disciples couldn't sit securely in the upper room with Jesus forever. Jesus came to Incarnate the joyful revelation of God in a hopeless world. They had to venture out into the darkness, as He had, witness the crucifixion and resurrection of the Lord, and then become his joint witnesses.
I am so encouraged when I see and hear of our people using the everyday opportunities to tell people around them that God has not left the world alone and without hope; to tell announce that life without Christ on the Throne is meaningless and headed to destruction. Go for it. I know that it's difficult. But it's good. It is the commission Christ has given. Let us "rise and go from here" taking the gospel into our neighborhood, town, and country.